Our locator is expanding

our locator

Our Locator

Our Locator for helping makers find resources is expanding. We have added a few categories to to assist in refining the searches and to allow for other types of manufacturers of resources. The new categories are as follows:

  • Manufacturer
    • 3D Printers
    • CNC Routers/Mills
    • Components
    • Electronics
    • Laser Cutter/Engravers
    • Spares


Currently only registered users can add a listing to any category. If you know of a resource, but do not want to register, let us know via the contact page or email. All we ask is that you provide as much information as possible so we can add the listing to help our fellow makers. We are excited to be able to provide this service to makers. There are many that turn to social networks to find assistance, and while that is working for the most part it is not always a quick solution. This is why we started our locator. So makers can help other makers. Sometimes it will be just with information, other times it will be with access to hardware or services.


Help your fellow makers. If there are categories that we should add, let us know that too. We want to know what you are looking for and help you and others find it.