Small businesses face finances differently than medium or large corporations. Getting a handle on your businesses financials can mean the success or failure not only for the business, but many times personally. So you spend time on YouTube and searching the internet looking for answers. There are many answers out there, some make sense and others are just more confusing.
Find a good resource
When looking for a resource for answers, you really have to find someone who explains the answers in a manner that make sense to you. There is no one size fits all answers.
I have dealt with medium to large corporate financials for a long time and understand them. When it comes to small business financials, I don't have all the answers. While helping my wife open a new business we came across a person that put the financials in terms that my wife felt comfortable with. Her name is Andi and her site is the BFF course.
Andi also produces live streams on Facebook. Here is an example:
Don't be afraid to ask
While Andi focuses on helping women business owners get a handle on their business financials, if she explains things in a manner that you understand then reach out to her for advice. Long gone are the days when you have to go be talked down to by some guy in a suit who uses jargon that you have to research to understand. Let's face it we can't know everything, so don't be afraid to ask a knowledgeable person for answers or help.