Maker Cut


Most small businesses around the world have been impacted by COVID-19. Maker Cut is not different. While we struggle to stay open, we have had to cut back on our time spent in pursuit of new business. Instead we have put more focus into working on supplying PPE to those who need it. Once we get used to this new normal, we will put our focus back on our main business which is helping other makers with their businesses. Thank you to everyone who has supported us during this time.

Our mission

Maker Cut was started in 2006 to help makers. Makers do not always have the resources or space to have all the equipment they need. Many makers reach out via social media, sometimes they get a response, many times they don't. We have had this same experience and chose to do something to help.

Maker Cut – Who we are

Maker Cut is comprised of a long time maker, David Henry and Justin Henry a new addition to the maker family. David Has been a maker since he was a child, long before people called us makers. David's maker experience ranges from electronics to machining, programming to networking, and many things in between. David also dabbles in casting with the foundry.

“Every time I ask you a question, you pull out another hat and put it on. Then you answer the question.” – Former Co-worker

Professionally David has been in IT in some form or another for 31 years including project management and operations. While David has the business experience of being a Chief Operations Officer and Chief Technical Officer, use of technology is his first love and the sweet spot for David.

Justin has been tinkering since he was about one and a half years old. He discovered that he could put the screwdriver on the screw and make it turn, and he hasn't stopped since. While Justin is still learning, he has focused mainly on costuming for himself and others. Justin makes most of his items by hand but does spend time designing items for 3D printing or cutting with the laser. More recently, Justin has discovered that heating metal with a flame can allow him to reshape the metal. Now he designs and forges rings and pendants. Really going to have to get him a forge. That is if you can get him off of the latest online game.


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